what's missing?

Saturday, November 20, 2004

insert bush joke here

my brother's pick for the halloween night movie this year was "vampyros lesbos". we didn't get to watch it then, but i rented it a few days ago and saw it last night. originally a french film i think, the movie is not that bad if you watch it dubbed in german. the dubbing gives it a sort of twice-baked porn appeal, where every little mundane setting-the-groceries-on-the-counter kind of event gets voiced over with exagerated sighs and grunts, and occasionally, inexplicable squeals of surpise. it gets especially would-be-hot-n-heavy when someone is alone in a room...all kinds of titillaing noises as someone browses through the newspaper or opens a kitchen drawer or something.

we ended up watching "bush's brain" on halloween instead, which, as it turns out, is actually a more terrifying tale of the unexplained than a movie about blood-thirsty succubi. it also depicts way more scenes with people getting screwed, (and possibly desanguinated). but that's really where the similarities end between the two movies. there's certainly nothing french, german, or openly gay about "bush's brain".

tales of the unexplained


At November 23, 2004 8:38 AM, Blogger Jami said...

nice use of potatoes with your porn.

At November 24, 2004 1:15 AM, Blogger missing said...

i know...and there're so many of them...


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