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Sunday, November 28, 2004

holiday traffic report

your on-time traffic report is being brought to you by the friendly folks at the commonwealth of virginia highway patrol board, who remind you to "buckle up to save lives, or pay the hefty $25 consequence of your blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life, unless it's a failure to secure a child into his or her safety seat, in which case it's $50 because children are twice as precious, unless you claim that you just forgot to carry the written exemption form legally allowing you to not secure the child in his or her seat, in which case it's only $20. this ain't yo' daddy's commonwealth."**

**based on 2003 data. nationally that year, fines ranged from as low as $0 (wyoming), to as high as $95 (oregon). but we're all equal in god's eyes.

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