what's missing?

Monday, December 13, 2004

208 cases of the mondays

there is a dilbert comic strip that was cut out of the local paper and given to me by my boss, almost 4 years ago. as a matter of professional courtesy, it's still hanging in my cube, yellowed and frayed, stained with taco bell "border sauce" that my cube mate shot at me, ostensibly because he hadn't taken his medication that day (seriously). here's how the last two frames of the comic strip go:

(two managers sitting at desk eating donuts and drinking coffee)
"back to reality. i'll fire ted. he creeps me out. who else do we hate?"
(next frame)
"hey, my donut is being eaten by the world's ugliest fly!"
(the fly is shouting the word "bonanza")

that's it. that's how it ends.

next to the comic strip is the bomb threat procedure guide which we are required to post in the "cube area". the bottom of the page discusses identifying a bomb:

"Ask yourself this question:
'does this belong here'
if your answer is:
'no. this object is out of place and i can't explain why it is here.'
you should consider it suspect"

i see these two things everyday. they make my mouth dry.


At December 13, 2004 11:22 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Ted. You need to throw these two items in the trash can. Seriously.


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